How to take care of this fabric

Cotton is a soft, fluffy staple natural fiber that grows in a boll of the cotton plant. Cotton is a breathable, absorbent, hypoallergenic fabric, versatile and easily washable.

Cotton has some strengh, it is a natural fabric, but you still need to follow the care instructions so that your garment will last a long time in your wardrobe. Follow the advice and cautions on the compositional tag of your piece of clothing and, if possible, do not cut this tag.

Organic cotton is produced and certified to organic agricultural standards. Its production sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people by using natural processes rather than artificial inputs. Importantly organic cotton farming does not allow the use of toxic chemicals or GMOs (genetically modified organisms). Instead, it combines tradition, innovation and science to benefit the shared environment and promote a good quality of life for all involved.

1. Washing

As cotton is a more malleable fabric, wash the most vibrant colors with cold water and a softener (to moisturize the fibers). In softer tones, you can use warm water (max 30ºC).

2. Drying

Ideally, hand wash your cotton pieces, but if you opt for machine washing, choose a program with cold water and turn off the spin option.

Dry your garment on a hanger to avoid damaging the fabric or leaving marks. Avoid letting white cotton items dry in the sun.

3. Ironing

Since cotton is heat resistant, use the iron vapors to remove the creases.

4. Store

Always store your items clean.